Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Beggar Psychology and Family Law Psychology

Beggar Psychology and Family Law Psychology 

There are some important differences, but at one level, one can get a fairly good idea of the psychological aspects of the marriage entitlement ideology by considering a man begging on the street.  Suppose that every day for 365 days,  man A passes the beggar and gives him nothing and man B passes the beggar and gives him one dollar.  On day 366 both man A and man B pass the beggar without giving him anything. It is an extremely good bet that the beggar is angry at man B and not man A. Despite the beggar having his standard of living improved for 365 days by man B, the beggar gives man B little appreciation. Instead, he is angry at man B because the beggar's standard of living drops by one dollar when man B stops giving.  In the beggar's view, man B is responsible for a drop in the beggar's standard of living.  

The family law psychology is eerily similar to the beggar psychology.  Consider man A and man B, both of which have substantially higher incomes than a woman.  Suppose that man A will not marry a woman because he does not want to share his higher income with her. Suppose that man B is willing to share his higher income with her and he marries her. Every day that the marriage endures,  man B is increasing her standard of living.  Despite the woman having her standard of living improved during the marriage, the woman gives man B little appreciation.  If a divorce ensues, the woman's standard of living would decrease dramatically if man B no longer shares his higher income.  In the law's view,  man B is responsible for a drop in the woman's standard of living.  But, whereas the beggar cannot force man B to continue supporting the beggar's standard of living, the law can force man B to continue supporting the woman's standard of living.  If, even after the law's intervention,  the woman perceives that her standard of living has decreased, it is because not enough is being transferred from man B to her.

It may take a bit longer to find financially successful women, but currently there are plenty of them. Biologically, men can afford to be patient. Keep beggar psychology in mind and avoid good deeds per:

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