Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Moronic Notion that the Founding Fathers were Founding the United States as a “Christian Nation.”

The Moronic Notion that the Founding Fathers were Founding the United States as a “Christian Nation.”
From time to time, I encounter somebody with the moronic notion that the United States was founded as a Chistian nation. The Founding Fathers, it is claimed, intended to found a Christian nation. Often, there is a associated assertion that the US Constitution was “divinely inspired,” rather than written as a political compromise for the governing of the United States.
There are a couple of interesting points about a divinely inspired Constitution. First, the Constitution is the second governing document for the United States. So, it appears that God inspired the second governing document, but not the first? Or were the Articles of Confederation also divinely inspired, but the divine inspiration changed with time? Second, God apparently was in favor of slavery according to the divinely inspired Constitution?
The argument for a Christian nation seems to be that the Founders were all very intelligent, very diligent, God fearing Christians, who intended to found a Christian nation. But apparently, it slipped ALL of their minds to actually put such language in the Constitution? Instead, the only things mentioned are the First Amendment FORBIDDING the establishment of a church and Article VI forbidding religious tests for holding office in the United States. So, the Founding Fathers created a government that was explicitly contrary to their desire to found a Christian nation? It just kind of slipped their minds?

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