Growing up in the 1960's, before the birth control pill and the women's movement, one huge problem was overpopulation. Indeed, China was so concerned that China enforced a draconian one-child policy.
It appears that a better solution to overpopulation is simply providing equal opportunity and equal pay for the same jobs (not "comparable worth" nonsense). Throughout the developed world most women have, like men, chosen paid work outside the home. When women get equal pay for equal work, they tend to have fewer children.
Fewer people on the planet means
- Less industrial activity and hence less pollution and less greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
- Less demand for more agricultural products to feed a reduced population so forested land need not be cleared to grow food.
- Less stress on almost all planetary resources.
So -- Equity feminism looks like a large part of the solution to saving the planet.
On a societal level here are a few speculations:
- Birth control pill - People can increase sexual activity outside marriage without pregnancy concerns. This increases sexual availability for people without the financial commitment of supporting a spouse and children.
- No-fault divorce - Permitted people, primarily women, to divorce without cause. Alimony often was insufficient to maintain the standard of living without working. More women thus entered paid work in the labor market.
- With sex more readily available to men without commitment, men reduce their valuation of women as sex objects and increase their valuation of women's financial contributions. (In this sense, men start assessing the value of sex vs financial contributions more like women traditionally did.) Even women who might have preferred not doing paid work outside the home are now competing against working women that are more financially attractive to men in marriage and less dangerous to men in divorce. (See " Beggar Psychology and Family Law Psychology" and "Marriage Entitlement Ideology - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" - These incentives lead to more stratification in the marriage market. People tend to marry financially comparable spouses even more than in the past.
- Additionally, the financial dangers (e.g. alimony and premarital asset plunder) via no-fault divorce of people "marrying down" increases the number, and value, of prenuptial contracts.
- With their increased financial earnings (and therefore independence from men) and with their value as "sex objects" diminished anyway, women did not need to cater to men's desire for physically appealing women. Women became progressively fatter.
- With many women becoming less physically appealing to men, men's pursuit of happiness no longer required generating more income than they needed for themselves. Men reduced their investments in education and their participation in the paid labor force as money became less important to them. Their pursuit of happiness could substitute other, less expensive things, for unappealing women. Video games, online pornography, and (in the future) perhaps sex robots.
- So long as women get equal pay for the same job, women are ready, able, and willing to take up any slack resulting from men's decreased educational investment and participation in the labor force.
- Item 6 diminished women's desire for men and item 7 diminished men's desire for women. With desire diminished on both fronts, it should not be surprising that birth rates declined dramatically, ameliorating the overpopulation problem that is putting so much stress on the planetary environment.