Monday, July 18, 2016

Asian American Female's White Husband's Contribution

I gave the Asian American woman's comments. Her white husband was a party to the  facebook interaction as well. Her comments are given here:

His comments are reasonably similar to hers in that he feels no need to justify the poster's attack specifically and solely on white males. The primary difference is that he put a little more thought and text into his attack. Still, he manages to call me a racist and a sexist in the space of a few sentences.

He seems not to have actually read my response carefully enough to realize that I had answered the question that he asked and was not denying that white people had it much easier than black people in America. That is, I agreed with him on the race issue. Logically, that should have made me solely more sexist but not more racist than yyy? But the racist charge was not withdrawn and he continued attacking me on racism despite the fact that I indicated no disagreement with him on that issue.

xxx=Asian American woman
yyy=white husband

Tom, you're denying there's such a thing as white male privilege? Or that you, as a member of that group have never benefited from being a member?

Ok so every black man I've ever talked to about this has to deal with police harassment all the time. 

I just read another thread in Reddit where it appears women cannot walk down a street without being harassed, ogled, or stared at. 

I was talking to a female priest who was sitting with a female Imam… oh wait they aren't allowed to be religious leaders. Female rabbis are allowed In a few sects but only starting in 1930's I think. 

I could go on. Denying WMP kinda makes you a little tiny bit sorta just a tad racist and sexist.

Thomas E Booth:
 Racism is a huge problem is this country and xxx is no less responsible than I. So, singling out white males is not appropriate. Progress on racism will happen faster when all people come together to try to find solutions. Singling out white males for defamation is neither fair nor a reasonable approach to solving racism. For some people, attacking white males seems to have attained higher priority than working with them to help solve racism. Such people are impeding progress not promoting progress.

Historically, it was overwhelmingly white Union male volunterers who died in the hundreds of thousands in the Civil War that freed the 4 million slaves. There is no remotely similar action by women of any color.

It is not proper for me to take credit for what white Union male volunterers did in the Civil War. But neither is it proper to blame me for what other white men did that was not so honorable.

To answer one of your questions, I do not deny that there is a signifcant advantage to being asian or white as opposed to black. This needs to change.

As far as "male privilege," I have already stated the most important reasons that I preferred the set of advantages my sisters had over the set I had. (There are other reasons of lesser importance as well.) People will differ on which set of advantages is more desireable. 

Your comments were worthwhile in general. But, calling me a racist and a sexist says volumes about your intolerance for people that do not agree with you on everything.

There are necessary laws and regulations to ensure fair treatment of women, but these laws and regulations have sometimes been abused. In particular, the government should not be used for the tyrannical purpose of letting women deny men the pursuit of happiness. Furthermore, any legitimate reasons for denying the pursuit of happiness should at least be honestly stated. Occasionally, the reasons seem unfair, illegitimate, tyrannical, and dishonest as well.

For women to require that an employer provide women a friendly work environment, but forbid the employer from providing men a a friendly work environment is outrageous. The employer should make reasonable accommodations so that all employees, female and male, can have a friendly work environment. If women object to viewing swimsuit calendars, then reasonable accommodations should be made to ensure that women need not view these calendars. On the other hand, a woman claiming that her "mere knowledge" that such a calendar exists constitutes a hostile work environment is a tyrannical attempt to control what he sees, not what she sees. 

The great war against swimsuit calendars is an immensely dishonest propaganda success. It is immensely dishonest because the propaganda labels a workplace display of a swimsuit calendar as "sexual harassment" and treats the calendar as if it is being displayed with the intent of harassing women. Inasmuch as men have routinely, for perhaps a century, displayed such calendars in work environments completely devoid of women, suggesting that men display these calendars in order to harass women is absurd and dishonest. The calendars are displayed because men like the calendars. That fact that men and women appreciate different things in the workplace is not exactly new nor surprising. It is an aspect of workplace diversity.

It may, in fact, be necessary to remove swimsuit calendars from the workplace. However, the reason for removing the swimsuit calendars is women's intolerance of diversity and not men's intent to harass women.

To truly appreciate the propaganda success (about swimsuit calendars) , one should note not just the dishonesty, but also the issue of responsibility. Women have been absolved of the intolerance of diversity, for which women are responsible, while simultaneously blaming men for harassment, for which men are not responsible.

Hm... OK Tom. Go find a man of color and ask him if he's ever been harassed or subjected to overt racism. Then go ask one woman if she's ever been subjected to unwanted attention from men or subjected to sexism. 

The best way to learn about WMP is to talk to our non-WMP neighbors. One WMP cannot convince another that this is real.

This is the end of my participation in this thread.

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